Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS)
Vaginal Relaxation Syndrome (VRS) is a common medical condition among females. VRS is described as a loss of the optimal vaginal structure. Most women (and their husbands or partners) refer to VRS as ‘loose vagina’.
The muscular and fascia components undergo substantial changes during childbirth and aging.
After childbirth, some women experience sensation of lump at introitus or decrease sensation during intercourse. Their partners may also verbalise loss of ‘feel or tightness’.
Traditional Management of VRS
A large spectrum of treatment options is available for VRS. They range from pharmacological (hormonal, tightening creams and sprays) through behavioural therapies (Kegel exercise) to more invasive surgical procedures.
Laser therapy for vaginal tightening is available at our Centre via NeoVaginal Laser (NV-Laser).
- Is NV-Laser suitable for all women?
- How It Work
- How Its Done
- Advantages of NV-Laser
- The Effects
- The Future
NV-Laser vaginal rejuvenation is suitable for most women with VRS, especially for vaginal tightening after delivery.
Many may be keen to come forward for NV-Laser as soon as possible after the delivery of their babies. However, our advice is to wait for 3 months post-delivery to allow natural healing to occur first, before embarking on this therapy.
- Painless procedure, no anaesthesia required
- Totally incisionless
- Walk-in / Walk-out (20 – 30 minutes) clinic procedure, no downtime
However, we do advise abstinence from intercourse and swimming for 2 weeks after the procedure.
2 or more treatments, about 4-6 weeks apart, are required to achieve optimal results.
NV-Laser may also prevent or slow down the progression of pelvic organ prolapse* and urinary incontinence from mild to severe stage.
NB : In Singapore, NV-Laser is available at LC Lee Urogynae Centre. Please contact us for enquiries / book online for appointment.
* Pelvic organ prolapse refers to the protrusion of bladder / rectum / uterus out of the vagina.
Women with this condition often complain of a lump coming out from their vagina.
Management depends on type and severity of the prolapse.